Open Consultations
SEND Information and Advice Support Service - Network Survey
It is important that people who use the SEND Information and Advice Support Service (IASS), have a good experience and get the information, advice and support they need - after all it is why we exist! To make sure we are doing a good job, the national SEND IASS Network ask us to gather feedback on...
Closes 31 March 2025
Marina Village Residential Opportunity SPD – Habitat Regulation Assessment Update March 2025
The Marina Village Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out Westmorland and Furness Council’s development, design, and infrastructure requirements for the Marina Village Residential Opportunity site, located off Salthouse Road to the southeast of Barrow Town Centre. The SPD relates to the...
Closes 3 April 2025
Leaflet Swap and Networking event
Thank you for attending our Leaflet Swap and Networking event on Wednesday 19 th March at Hutton in the Forest. W e hope you found the event useful and informative. We would be really grateful if you could please spare a couple of minutes to complete our short survey. Your...
Closes 14 April 2025
Consultation on Sockbridge and Tirril Neighbourhood Area Application
Westmorland and Furness Council has received an application from Sockbridge and Tirril Parish Council for the designation of a Neighbourhood Plan Area under Part 2 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. The area covers the whole of Sockbridge and Tirril parish. A...
Closes 17 April 2025
Be part of history: Design Cumbria’s first Community Flag!
Thank you for your interest in designing a flag for Cumbria! Please complete the form below to submit your design. About the Competition: The Lord-Lieutenant and the High Sheriff of Cumbria, with support from, Cumberland Council, Westmorland and Furness Council, Carlisle Cathedral,...
Closes 25 April 2025
Closed Consultations
Funding our future: Budget Consultation 2025/26
Welcome to our budget consultation. Your responses will help us set the budget for the next financial year. Westmorland and Furness Council is now in its second year of delivering many...
Polling District Review 2024
We are undertaking a review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations. We would like to hear your views about the existing arrangements for the polling districts,...
Consultation on proposed Admission Arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools - 2026/27
All schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out how children will be admitted, including the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at the school....
Westmorland & Furness Council and Cumbria Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfasts
Thank you for attending one or more of our breakfast events this year in either Barrow in Furness, Kendal or Penrith. During the year we have run these events covering two specific themes – Business...
Cumbria Local Nature Recovery Strategy
Westmorland and Furness Council are leading the work on developing the Cumbria Local Nature Recovery Strategy. We are working closely with Cumberland Council, Natural England, Lake District National...
Westmorland and Furness Council 16-19 Education Travel Bursary Feedback
We would like to get your feedback on the Westmorland and Furness 16-19 Education Travel Bursary. Your feedback will help us understand the impact of the bursary and make improvements in the future.