Open Consultations

11 results

  • SEND Rolling Survey for Parents, Carers and Families

    Welcome to the Westmorland and Furness SEND Family Feedback survey! Please feed back any thoughts or comments: all your answers remain anonymous. This survey is for parents, carers or families of children or young people with SEND, who live in the Westmorland and Furness area, (please note if you live in the Cumberland Council catchment area you should receive a separate survey from them). We start this survey by asking a few questions about your child / young person. This is so... More
    Closes 31 December 2029
  • Westmorland and Furness Call for Sites 2024: Housing and Employment Sites

    We are starting work and gathering evidence on a new Local Plan for Westmorland and Furness (excluding the National Parks). When this is adopted, it will replace the existing district-wide Local Plans adopted by the former Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland Councils. As part of this, the Council is running a Call for Sites exercise, asking people to identify land or sites that are available to be developed for housing and/or employment purposes. We are particularly interested to hear about... More
    Closes 30 September 2024
  • Town Centre Community Hub Consultation Questions

    Community Wellbeing Hubs are one of seven projects funded through the Brilliant Barrow Town Deal. Part of our plans include the redevelopment of space inside the Forum to create a dedicated Community Hub. The Community Hub will be a welcoming space which is accessible, and available for everyone in the community, providing a range of activities and services in one place. We are keen to hear from members of the community as to what activities and services you’d... More
    Closes 30 September 2024
  • Westmorland and Furness Call for Sites 2024: Waste

    Westmorland and Furness Council is producing a new Local Plan for the district. This will include policies for minerals and waste which, once adopted, will replace the policies in the Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan. The Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan currently allocates the following sites for provision of waste management facilities within the Westmorland and Furness district: Specific Site Allocation - SL18 – land adjacent Kendal Fell Quarry to replace... More
    Closes 30 September 2024
  • Westmorland and Furness Call for Sites 2024: Minerals

    Westmorland and Furness Council is producing a new Local Plan for the district. This will include policies for minerals and waste which, once adopted, will replace the policies in the Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan. The Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan currently allocates the following sites for minerals extraction within the Westmorland and Furness district: Preferred Areas: M18 – Stamphill, Long Marton for gypsum; M27 –... More
    Closes 30 September 2024
  • Westmorland and Furness Design Code Survey 2024

    About the Design Code This survey is designed to collect views on the future Westmorland and Furness Design Code. It explores design preferences, local views on development and aims to understand the different characters of places across Westmorland and Furness. The design code will cover the Westmorland and Furness Council area excluding those parts within the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Parks. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to... More
    Closes 9 September 2024
  • Westmorland and Furness Local Plan: Early Conversation Survey 2024

    We are at a very early stage in preparing the Local Plan. Before we put pen to paper on the new plan, we are starting with a conversation with you about the places you live, work and visit across the Local Plan area. What is a Local Plan? The Local Plan: allocates sites for housing and other developments, such as new employment sites and minerals and waste sites (e.g. quarries and recycling centres) ensures a steady and adequate supply of aggregates (minerals) to... More
    Closes 9 September 2024
  • Local Plan Conversation Board

    We want to hear your thoughts and ideas! We are at a very early stage in preparing the Local Plan, and we would like to hear your thoughts on a range of topics about our places. Your views will help shape the vision for the Local Plan, the issues that it needs to address and how these will be tackled. We want you to think about not just the here and now, but what is best for the future of the area – the things that your children or grandchildren will want from future development. ... More
    Closes 9 September 2024
  • Consultation on a new Public Space Protection Order

    Following Local Government Reorganisation last year, the three separate PSPOs for the former district councils have or are due to expire and given their important role, Westmorland and Furness Council is proposing a new order for the Westmorland and Furness area. A PSPO is a tool available to local authorities under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 which helps to address the impact of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and make sure that it does not have a... More
    Closes 1 September 2024
  • Consultation on a proposal to extend the age range at Victoria Infant and Nursery School, Barrow from 3 to 7 years to 2 to 7 years with effect from 7 January 2025

    Introduction The Governing Body of Victoria Infant and Nursery School has approached Westmorland and Furness Council with a proposal to extend the age range of the provision offered at the school from the current three- to seven-year-old children to two- to seven-year-old children. This would enable the school to offer nursery provision for two-year-olds. As the school’s admissions authority, the Local Authority is required to consult with all relevant... More
    Closes 1 August 2024
  • Earnse Bay Community Space

    A new, inclusive community space focused on the outdoors will be created at Earnse Bay, on Walney Island, to connect local communities to open spaces, nature, and education. The intention is to co-produce the space with our communities and partners to build on local skills and interests and ensure the space works for all. Whilst many individuals and groups have already contributed a wealth of ideas during previous rounds of engagement, we want to build upon those suggestions... More
    Closes 1 August 2024
11 results. Page 1 of 1