SEND Rolling Survey for Parents, Carers and Families

Closes 31 Dec 2029

Opened 7 Feb 2024


Welcome to the Westmorland and Furness SEND Family Feedback survey! Please feed back any thoughts or comments: all your answers remain anonymous. 

This survey is for parents, carers or families of children or young people with SEND, who live in the Westmorland and Furness area, (please note if you live in the Cumberland Council catchment area you should receive a separate survey from them). 

We start this survey by asking a few questions about your child / young person. This is so we can identify any patterns in feedback, and if there are any specific areas that we need to target.

We have broken this survey down into categories. This is so we can receive more specific feedback, related to exactly what parents, carers and families would like to tell us about.

If you have multiple areas to tell us about, please fill in this survey as many times as you require. We have kept each section short yet informative, so filling in this survey more than once should not take too long.

We intend to review responses and publish key actions every 3 months, which will be communicated via our SEND Partnership newsletter and the SEND Local Offer. 

We really appreciate all your feedback.

Give us your views


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender
  • Black and Minority Ethnic
  • Disability
  • Gender
  • Religion/Faith
  • Age
  • Rurality
  • Equalities
  • Director of Finance
  • Council finances
  • Council tax
  • Economic Regeneration
  • Tourism/Tourism Networks
  • Tourist Information Centres
  • Jobs
  • Business
  • Contaminated Land
  • Pest Control
  • Recycling & Environment
  • Parks and open spaces
  • Environmental health
  • Waste management
  • Financial Services
  • Housing Enablement
  • Housing Research
  • Supported Housing
  • General housing
  • Corporate Services
  • Elections and Democracy
  • Human Resources
  • Licensing
  • Arts and Culture
  • Children and Young People
  • Cultural Services
  • Museums
  • Parks and Open Spaces
  • Aboroculture
  • Access
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Spatial planning
  • Neighbourhood Planning
  • Policing
  • Fire & Rescue
  • Trading Standards
  • Road safety
  • Emergency planning
  • Other emergency services
  • Community Safety
  • Roads & highways
  • Primary schools
  • Secondary schools
  • Nursery education
  • Sixth form/FE colleges
  • Childrens social care
  • Adults social care
  • Adoption and fostering
  • Older people
  • Health & well-being
  • General interest
  • Communications
  • Policy & Performance
  • Local Taxation
  • Revenues & Benefits
  • Consultation
  • Local Strategic Partnership
  • Parking
  • Performance
  • Policy
  • Technical Services