An image with a multicoloured logo with the text underneath. The text reads Westmorland and Furness local plan. Our place, our future, join the conversation.

Think of planning and you might think of complicated rules and red tape, but planning is about the future and future generations, it’s about people and communities and it’s about all of us working together to make sure that the right building and development, of the right design and quality, happens in the right place, at the right time, and the impact of any new development is well managed.

We do this by preparing a Local Plan, which looks ahead 20 years to the year 2045. It carefully considers how many new homes and workplaces our area needs to continue to thrive, while also protecting our local and historic character and special landscapes, green spaces and environment. The Local Plan doesn’t just set out rules – it seeks to make our area better, and is a key tool in helping us to identify and address the challenges for people and wildlife arising from climate change.

Join the Conversation Document (PDF 3.3MB / 16 pages)

How to take part

We can’t get the Local Plan right without input from the community. That’s why we need to consult on the Local Plan throughout its preparation. After each consultation, we carefully look through your comments and amend the Local Plan where we need to.

Your input is crucial and we value your opinions, so thank you for sharing your thoughts through our online surveys or at our drop in events. Please continue to check back on this page for opportunities to have your say in future rounds of consultation.

Westmorland & Furness Local Plan Area and Drop in Event Locations

Westmorland and Furness Council must prepare a Local Plan for the district outside the National Parks (the national parks prepare their own local plans). This interactive map shows the area within the Westmorland & Furness Local Planning Area.

As part of our early conversation on the Westmorland and Furness Local Plan, we will be hosting a number of drop in events throughout the area. These locations can be viewed on the map below (click on the pin to view the name of the venue, and the date and time of the event).

This is an interactive map.

The map shows Westmorland and Furness. There are a number of red pins that show the locations of public drop in events.


Closed consultations and engagement

Westmorland and Furness Call for Sites 2024: Housing and Employment Sites

We are starting work and gathering evidence on a new Local Plan for Westmorland and Furness (excluding the National Parks). When this is adopted, it will replace the existing district-wide Local Plans adopted by the former Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland Councils. We need to plan for future development and understand what land might be suitable and available for this. We are currently in the process of going through all the sites submitted to the Council as part of the Call for Sites which...

Westmorland and Furness Call for Sites 2024: Waste

Westmorland and Furness Council is producing a new Local Plan for the district. This will include policies for minerals and waste which, once adopted, will replace the policies in the Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan. The Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan currently allocates the following sites for provision of waste management facilities within the Westmorland and Furness district: Specific Site Allocation - SL18 – land adjacent Kendal Fell Quarry to replace...

Westmorland and Furness Call for Sites 2024: Minerals

Westmorland and Furness Council is producing a new Local Plan for the district. This will include policies for minerals and waste which, once adopted, will replace the policies in the Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan. The Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan currently allocates the following sites for minerals extraction within the Westmorland and Furness district: Preferred Areas: M18 – Stamphill, Long Marton for gypsum; M27 –...

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