Local Plan Conversation Board

Closes 30 Sep 2024

Opened 8 Jul 2024


We want to hear your thoughts and ideas!

We are at a very early stage in preparing the Local Plan, and we would like to hear your thoughts on a range of topics about our places. Your views will help shape the vision for the Local Plan, the issues that it needs to address and how these will be tackled.

We want you to think about not just the here and now, but what is best for the future of the area – the things that your children or grandchildren will want from future development. 

This message board will be used to create a conversation, which will assist the council in getting an insight into the thoughts and issues that people are having. This will help to inform the 'Early Conversation', but we would also advise that you take the time to complete the Early Conversation Survey to ensure that your views are registered as part of this stage of the consultation. It should only take around 10-15 minutes to complete.

What is the Local Plan

The Local Plan:

  • allocates sites for housing and other developments, such as new employment sites and minerals and waste sites (e.g. quarries and recycling centres)
  • ensures a steady and adequate supply of aggregates (minerals) to deliver the amount of development and infrastructure being planned for
  • contains the policies that we use to guide and decide whether to grant planning permissions for new development and
  • responds to changes in the area such as changes in population as people are born and grow, new people come in, people leave and people get older and changes in national and global environment and economy

The Local Plan doesn’t just set out rules – it seeks to make our area better. For example, by reducing the environmental impact of new development, building affordable housing, helping our wildlife and reducing flood risk. It also helps improve our infrastructure (including roads and cycleways, schools, drainage systems, facilities for recycling/waste management and community facilities). It identifies the infrastructure needed to support development and shows how it will be accommodated and provided for.

Bring your ideas to life:

  • We’re using a platform called Dialogue where you can post your thoughts and ideas and also see and comment on other people’s thoughts and ideas. You can view the page anytime.
  • To post an idea you just need to register on Dialogue with your name and email address  
  • Post your idea and rate and comment on other ideas. 

This is the first stage in preparing our Local Plan. We will listen to all the comments and suggestions in this consultation. 

If you have any problems registering, logging in or using the site please contact localplan@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk 


  • Barrow-in-Furness
  • Eden
  • South Lakeland


  • All residents


  • Local Plans