Marina Village Residential Opportunity - Draft Supplementary Planning Document Survey

Closes 19 Sep 2024


Please start by filling in the Your Details section.

You do not have to complete every section of the survey, please just click on the sections that you would like to make a comment on. When you have made your your comments on each section, click 'Continue' and you will arrive back on this contents page so that you can select another section to comment on if desired. 

When you have commented on all the sections you would like to, just click 'Finish' at the bottom right of the contents page and you will be able to submit your comments.

Page Response
Your Details (Required)
percent complete
0 of 5 questions answered
Vision for the site
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Development Objectives for the site
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Planning Policy Context
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV1: Compliance with the SPD
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV2: Land Use
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV3: Residential Development
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV4: Public Open Space
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV5: Access
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV6: Utilities and Services
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV7: Streets and Movement
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV8: Landscape and Ecology
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV9: Sustainable Drainage
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV10: Density and Scale
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV11: Development Sustainability
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV12: Planning Application Requirements
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
MV13: Infrastructure Requirements
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Any other comments
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered