Consultation on Draft Cartmel Conservation Area Management Plan

Closed 14 Apr 2022

Opened 3 Mar 2022

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


What is the Cartmel Conservation Area Management Plan?

Local Authorities are encouraged to define the special architectural or historic characteristics of a Conservation Area through regular character appraisals & management plans.

Conservation area appraisals and management plans are important because they identify what parts of an area are special in terms of the architectural and historic interest. They tell us what buildings and features are important and should be preserved and enhanced. The management plan helps us to know what the threats to the conservation area are and suggests ways that these can be addressed. The Plan also makes suggestions for potential environmental improvements.

South Lakeland District Council has prepared a draft conservation area management plan (CAMP) for the Conservation Area in Cartmel, which had an appraisal adopted in March 2009. The management plan takes the aspects identified in the appraisal into account and forms the basis for informed decision making. 

The Cartmel CAMP:

  • sets out guidance for protecting the special character of Cartmel Conservation Area
  • identifies a list of unlisted Buildings or Features of Local Architectural or Historic Significance (Local List) that are of particular merit in the Conservation Area
  • considers whether an Article 4 Direction to control permitted development is justified, and identifies properties that are considered merit this additional protection.
  • provides a strategy for Buildings at Risk
  • identifies opportunities for environmental enhancement and the need for grant-aid

Once adopted the CAMP will have the status of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), meaning that it will be a material planning consideration when determining planning applications within or affecting the Cartmel Conservation Area.


We would like to hear your views and for you to share local knowledge with us to help us prepare our Cartmel Conservation Area Management Plan.

Our public consultation is running from Thursday 3rd March to Thursday 14th April 2022. Information on where you can view the Plan and how you can make your comments is outlined below.

Please note that this is a public consultation and that comments made will be recorded and published.

Get Involved

This online survey is seeking your views on the Draft Cartmel Conservation Area Management Plan (CAMP), including consideration of the properties identified as worthy of inclusion on the Local List or suggested for Article 4 Direction.

You can view the Cartmel CAMP document via our website here

Come along to our Drop-in Event

The drop-in event will be held at Cartmel Village Hall, The Square, Cartmel, LA11 6QB from 2.00pm-6.30pm on Friday 25th March 2022 where you will be able to view the document, speak to Council officers  and share your views on the Conservation Area Management Plan.


  • South Lakeland


  • General public
  • Stakeholder organisations


  • Neighbourhood Planning