South Lakeland Call for Sites 2021: Housing and Employment Sites

Closed 5 Nov 2021

Opened 30 Jun 2021

Results updated 27 Jun 2023

40 sites were submitted in our second Call for Sites. We are now undertaking a high level assessment looking at key constraints that may affect sites and to gather other relevant information. We are working on a Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) which will consider whether each of the submitted sites could be considered suitable, available and achievable for residential or economic/employment development and are aiming to publish a draft report in late 2022.

The SHELAA will inform the Local Plan Review, and during that process we will consult on possible options for new site allocations. Any sites proposed for development through the Local Plan process will be subject to consultation, and will be independently assessed by a Planning Inspector when the new Local Plan is submitted for examination..

The site information that was submitted through the Call for Sites is published in the report below and a map is provided of each site in the report. Please note this is the original information that was submitted by the site promoter and we have not yet verified it or completed our own assessment. We have also mapped the sites on our interactive mapping which can be accessed at the link below.

Where site submissions refer to additional documents that have been emailed or uploaded these will show as uploaded files at the bottom of the site submission. If you have any problems accessing these please email us at

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


South Lakeland District Council is reviewing its Local Plan, which will involve reviewing sites that are currently allocated for development. Information about the Local Plan Review can be found on our website.

This Call for Sites exercise will inform a key piece of evidence for the Local Plan review: the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA). The purpose of the Call for Sites is to gain up to date information about land that has potential for housing, employment or mixed uses, so it can be included in the SHELAA study and be considered for potential allocation in the Local Plan Review. This Call for Sites exercise is running alongside our Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation.

The submission of a site through the call for sites exercise does not mean that the site will be allocated. Once submitted, sites will be subject to assessment in the SHELAA using this methodology and a draft report will be available in late 2021.

Through the Local Plan review process the sites in the SHELAA will then be subject to more detailed site assessment, Sustainability Appraisal and community and stakeholder consultation. Decisions on whether sites will ultimately be allocated for development will be taken through the Local Plan review process having regard to development needs, sustainability principles and stakeholder and community feedback. The call for sites is therefore just the start of the process.

If you would like to submit a site for consideration please ensure you firstly read the guidance note at the link below which provides information on the types of sites we are inviting suggestions for, and guidance on how the form should be filled in.

Please also note the following points before submitting a site:

  • Suggest one site only per response;
  • Provide a location map clearly and accurately showing the outline of the site in red using an Ordnance Survey base map and at a clear scale. Visit the Planning Portal for options to purchase maps online.
  • Provide proof of ownership for all the land within the boundary (providing copies of title deed plans if possible), and contact details for the landowner(s);
  • Provide written confirmation that the landowner is willing to make the site available for the development/use proposed;
  • Sites proposed for employment or mixed use development should be at least 0.25ha or capable of accommodating at least 500 square metres of employment floor space.
  • Sites proposed for residential development should be at least 0.2ha or be able to accommodate 5 dwellings.
  • Provide accurate information and as much detail as possible on site constraints and any third party land issues.


Why your views matter

We are launching this ‘Call for Sites’ exercise as we need to have an up to date understanding of the type, quantity and location of land that may be suitable for housing and employment development. It will help us prepare our SHELAA study on housing and employment land availability, which will then inform our Local Plan review process and help us select the best sites to help us meet our development needs. This Call for Sites follows on from the first Call for Sites exercise we ran in summer 2020 (see here).


  • South Lakeland


  • All residents


  • Spatial planning