Westmorland & Furness Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2023 - Statutory 60 Day Consultation for Stakeholders

Closed 30 Sep 2023

Opened 1 Aug 2023


The Westmorland & Furness Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) has produced a draft local Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) outlining services which will help to ensure residents have good access to local pharmacy services.  This is a statutory HWB responsibility as set out under the NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services Regulations) 2013 (SI 2013 No. 349).

The last PNA for former Cumbria was published in October 2022 and although there is a requirement to update the PNA every 3 years, a new PNA is now required following the establishment of the newly formed Westmorland & Furness Council and Westmorland & Furness Health and Wellbeing Board.

The main aim of the PNA is to assess if current pharmacy services are meeting the needs of the people of Westmorland & Furness.  A PNA describes community pharmacy services currently being provided in a specific area, identifying where and when these are available; and it assesses current and future health needs of the local population.

As set out in the 2013 Regulations, Health and Wellbeing Boards are required to consult a range of organisations on a draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for a minimum of 60 days.  The same Regulations require NHS England to use the PNA to consider applications to open a new pharmacy, move an existing pharmacy or to commission additional services.

Following the Consultation, the new PNA will be published by 30th March 2024 and will be there to be used to inform commissioning of pharmacy services by local authorities; health and care providers including NHS England and Integrated Care Boards.

To provide your feedback please complete the survey.

Westmorland & Furness PNA 2023 for consultation: https://www.cumbriaobservatory.org.uk/pharmaceutical-needs-assessment-2023-stakeholder-consultation/

All documents are intended to be used online however printed copies can be requested if necessary. Should you require a paper copy of the survey please email: ali.wilson@cumberland.gov.uk


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