Response 600649062

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Lorayne Wall

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Friends of the Lake District

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Your Comments on the Revised Cartmel CAMP

1. Have you any comments on the contents of the Draft Revised Cartmel CAMP SPD? Please refer to the relevant paragraph(s) of the document.

Comments on the Draft Cartmel CAMP
Dark skies and lighting
We see nothing in the draft CAMP on lighting either from a Dark Skies or heritage-friendly design and public realm perspective. Similarly, we see no reference to glazing other than in relation to replacing existing heritage windows.
Given that:
- Cartmel lies in an area that currently enjoys relatively dark skies (see here;
- the draft Allithwaite and Cartmel Neighbourhood Plan includes a policy on dark skies;
- the area lies within the setting of the Lake District National Park, where tranquillity and dark skies are noted special qualities, and an area independently assessed as being suitable for inclusion in the Lake District National Park;
- light pollution affects the character, enjoyment and experience of the historic environment (and public realm generally), including views within, out of and into it;
- excessive glazing contributes to light pollution through light spill as well as having implications for the appropriateness of design and building character, which are clearly relevant in a Conservation Area context,
we would recommend that additions are made to the document to include guidance on new and replacement lighting and glazing from both a light pollution and a heritage-friendly design perspective. This could include reference to the Dark Skies Technical Advice Note currently being prepared for Cumbria.

Setting, surrounding landscape and open spaces
There is no reference in the draft CAMP to the fact that the CA is in the setting of the Lake District National Park and World Heritage Site, or that it is in the proposed National Park extension area. Views within the CA and out of it are covered but not views into it from outside. Shorter and longer views into the CA should be considered such as views for those arriving in the village (by road or by footpath) or views from e.g. Hampsfell, and including views into the CA from the National Park/WHS.

We recommend that any open spaces identified as contributing to the character/significance of the CA that are not already designated as Important Open Spaces/Local Green Space should be designated as such in the next local plan. This should include consideration areas outside the CA boundary. For example, sites that if developed, would compromise views into and out of the CA, or compromise key aspects of settlement form and how Cartmel sits in the landscape.

The independent evidence submitted to support the National Park extension may be useful in this regard - see

3. Have you any comments on the principle of introducing the Article 4 Direction? Please also provide your views on the proposed Article 4 Direction properties. Please make it clear what property your comments relate to.

Comments on Article 4 Directions
We support the principle of introducing an Article 4 Direction as set out in the draft CAMP.