Response 855636378

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Peter Marks

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Your Comments on the Revised Cartmel CAMP

1. Have you any comments on the contents of the Draft Revised Cartmel CAMP SPD? Please refer to the relevant paragraph(s) of the document.

Comments on the Draft Cartmel CAMP
We approve of protecting the conservation of Cartmel village and agree that the draft CAMP will help to protect and enhance the qualities of the conservation area, however we do have the following concerns with regards to areas of land proposed for possible future development as set out in the February 2022 CAMP document.

6.5.1 and 6.5.2
The fields north of Priest Lane should be considered for open space designation since they significantly contribute towards the special character of the village and are important with respect to the conservation of the whole of the area. In addition they provide significant visual amenity to the existing residents. This is in line with Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework. In addition, whilst these fields are not publicly accessible, any future access would be from an already busy and dangerous road (this is acknowledged by the speeding restrictions near the primary school).

Furthermore, Section 6.1 of the Draft CCAMP, Paragraph 6.1.2 acknowledges that development on these areas would be harmful to the conservation area (as above in 6.5.1).

In conclusion, we consider that any development on the land to the north of Priest Lane (SHELAA Ref. 345) would destroy key rural views and would not conserve these views for existing residents.

2. Have you any comments on the proposed Local Listed Buildings? Please name the building(s) and /or structure(s) you are commenting on in your response.

Comments on Local Listed Buildings

3. Have you any comments on the principle of introducing the Article 4 Direction? Please also provide your views on the proposed Article 4 Direction properties. Please make it clear what property your comments relate to.

Comments on Article 4 Directions
No comments apart from stating that we feel that these conservation proposals will only help in the conservation of properties in the village.