Response 779014574

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What is your name?

Name (Required)
Heather Thompson

Publication of site suggestion

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes, you may publish my response
Radio button: Unticked No, please do not publish my response

Section 1: Site Promoter's Contact Details

Contact Name (if different to the name entered in the Introduction)

Contact Name (if different to the name added in the Introduction)
Mike Nelson

Interest in Site

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Landowner
Checkbox: Unticked Land Agent
Checkbox: Unticked Parish Council
Checkbox: Unticked Community Group
Checkbox: Unticked Planning Consultant
Checkbox: Unticked Developer
Checkbox: Unticked Local Resident
Checkbox: Unticked Registered Social Landlord
Checkbox: Unticked Other

Section 2: Agent Details

Contact Name

Contact Name
Heather Thomson

Job Title

Job Title
Architectural Technologist

Company/Organisation (if applicable)

Company/Organisation (if applicable)
Castle Design Services

Section 3: Site Information

Site location

Address (Required)
Vicarage Meadow, Old Hutton
Postcode (Required)

Grid reference

Easting (Required)
Northing (Required)

Site area - whole site

Hectares (Required)

Site area - area suitable for development

Hectares (Required)

Current land use and character

Current land use and character (Required)

Known previous uses on the site

Known previous uses on the site
Grazing land

Character and land uses of surrounding area

Character and land uses of surrounding area (Required)
The site is situated within a cluster of residential dwellings with access off the B6254

Is the site greenfield or brownfield (previously developed land)?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Greenfield
Radio button: Unticked Brownfield
Radio button: Unticked Mixed

Section 4: Proposed Use

Proposed Use

Please specify what use you are proposing for the site (Required)

Additional information on proposed development

Information (Required)
The land is to be developed for housing and will be a mixture of affordable housing for sale and market housing sale.
In accordance with the SLDC Core Strategy policy for sites greater than 3 properties we will need to provide 35 % of the housing affordable. We will be looking at 3 of the houses being affordable for this site.

Section 5: Site Suitability, Constraints and Impacts

Does the site have highways access or can safe access be achieved?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
The site has direct access off the B6254. Whilst it is appreciated that the existing site access has restrictive sight lines it will be possible to provide improved visibility splays within the depth of the site to meet the current guidelines

Is the site steeply sloping or does it have other topographical or land stability challenges?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
The area of land proposed to be developed on is relatively flat. It is envisaged that where the land begins to slope this will be garden area

Are there any known utilities or infrastructure installations under/over the site that would present a constraint?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
There is a trunk water main running through the site which means that a 3-metre easement will need to be allowed for in the development where it can’t be built over but can have a road.
There is also overhead power and a BT line as shown on the attached survey plan and utility search. These could be re-routed underground

Does the site have access to the following utilities (or could they readily be provided)?

Mains water supply Yes Radio button: Checked Yes Mains water supply Could readily be provided Radio button: Not checked Could readily be provided Mains water supply No Radio button: Not checked No Mains water supply Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure
Mains sewerage Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes Mains sewerage Could readily be provided Radio button: Not checked Could readily be provided Mains sewerage No Radio button: Checked No Mains sewerage Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure
Electrical supply Yes Radio button: Checked Yes Electrical supply Could readily be provided Radio button: Not checked Could readily be provided Electrical supply No Radio button: Not checked No Electrical supply Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure
Gas supply Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes Gas supply Could readily be provided Radio button: Not checked Could readily be provided Gas supply No Radio button: Checked No Gas supply Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure
Landline telephone Yes Radio button: Checked Yes Landline telephone Could readily be provided Radio button: Not checked Could readily be provided Landline telephone No Radio button: Not checked No Landline telephone Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure
Superfast Fibre broadband Yes Radio button: Checked Yes Superfast Fibre broadband Could readily be provided Radio button: Not checked Could readily be provided Superfast Fibre broadband No Radio button: Not checked No Superfast Fibre broadband Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure

Are there any existing landscape features on the site?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
The site boundaries are dry stone walls which can be retained. There are no other landscape features on the site. As part of the development we will be incorporating additional tree planting and areas of landscaping.

What Environment Agency flood zone is the site within?

What Environment Agency flood zone is the site within?
Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Flood Zone 1
Radio button: Unticked Flood Zone 2
Radio button: Unticked Flood Zone 3
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
The site is in flood zone 1

Is the site vulnerable to surface water flooding?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Is the site subject to, or at risk from any forms of pollution, contamination or hazards?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Due to the location of the site it is not anticipated that there will be any forms of pollution associated with the site and its surrounding buildings.

Are there any designated or locally important nature or geological sites within or adjacent to the site?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Whilst there are no specific designated or geological features, the site will be developed to enhance the surrounding environment by a landscaping scheme which involves additional tree planting.

Does the site, or could it potentially, provide suitable habitat(s) for protected species?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Currently there is no evidence of protected species on the site as there is no water running through the site or any buildings on the site. As part of the South Lakeland District Council Biodiversity Policy the houses can be fitted with swift boxes and bat boxes

Is the site well related to an existing settlement?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Within an existing settlement
Radio button: Unticked On the edge of an existing settlement
Radio button: Unticked Not related to an existing settlement
The site is within the southern area of the rural settlement of Old Hutton which is focussed in the three main settlements of Middleshaw, St John's View and Bridge End. This site is nestled within the
hamlet with housing to all 4 boundaries of the site

Does the site have good access to a range of facilities and services within a reasonable walking distance or by public transport?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked A good range of facilities
Radio button: Ticked A limited range of facilities
Radio button: Unticked No facilities
Comments (list facilities and travel times/distances)
There is a primary school in Old Hutton with a free bus service serving the school.
There is a Church and Village Hall within walking distance of the site.
The site is within 3 miles of the main line train station serving Glasgow to London. The location of the site means that Kendal is 5 miles away and Kirkby Lonsdale is within 7 miles away. Both the towns have access to, shops, open spaces, sports facilities, community facilities, health services, employment opportunities, recreation facilities.
The site is also close to the M6 making it a good commuter location
Kendal Hospital is only 4 miles away from the site

Are there trees on or adjacent to the site that are subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
The development will be planting more trees to enhance the current environment

Do any public rights of way pass through or close to the site?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Is the site currently used for sport or recreation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Are there any particular access rights over the land?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Is the site within or adjacent to a Conservation Area?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Are there any listed buildings within or surrounding the site?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Are there any scheduled monuments within or adjacent to the site?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Could there be any potential land use conflicts if this site is developed for its proposed use?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Whilst the site is within the hamlet, the houses are not in close proximity to the site so the proposed development would not impact on the neighbours

How will the site respond to the climate emergency that has been declared by the Council?

Comments (Required)
The development would be designed to incorporate renewable energy. It would be the intention that the development would produce housing that is above the current Building Regulation standards to promote a sustainable green development.
In accordance with CS8.7 Sustainable construction, the new dwellings will be energy efficient, incorporating renewable energy. The development will be looking at improved standards, the use of low water volume fittings, grey water systems and rainwater harvesting;• Orientation to the houses will be designed to maximise solar gain. High levels of insulation and the use of materials from a sustainable local source will be implemented.

What social, economic and environmental benefits would the development of this site provide for South Lakeland and our communities?

Comments (Required)
The village of Old Hutton is community lead with the school and the church being the focal points. The provision of this small development within the boundaries of the village will benefit the social, economic and environment of the community by:-
● Providing additional school places,
● Providing affordable housing for local people
● Introducing additional tree planting onto the site
● Building energy efficient housing.
● The proposal would be capable of being served by safe access to the highway network without detriment to the amenity or character of the locality
● The proposal would incorporate parking standards that are in accordance with any adopted policy and guidance
● The siting, design, scale and materials of the development will be of a character which enhances the quality of the landscape and will be in keeping with local vernacular tradition.
● The new landscape scheme will create new habitats and wildlife corridors
● This small scale development will help sustain the local primary school and support local businesses.

Section 6: Site Ownership and Availability

Status of site ownership

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Sole owner of the whole site
Radio button: Ticked Part owner of the whole site
Radio button: Unticked Owner/part owner of a portion of the site
If you are not the sole owner of the whole site please provide details of other landowners below, and provide a plan to show the areas that are owned by you and the other landowners(s) (see Section 8).
Redacted text
Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

Do any of the issues below affect the site?

Multiple ownership issues Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes Multiple ownership issues No Radio button: Checked No Multiple ownership issues Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure
Third party land interests Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes Third party land interests No Radio button: Checked No Third party land interests Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure
Ransom strips Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes Ransom strips No Radio button: Checked No Ransom strips Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure
Restrictive covenants Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes Restrictive covenants No Radio button: Checked No Restrictive covenants Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure
Current use needs to be relocated Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes Current use needs to be relocated No Radio button: Checked No Current use needs to be relocated Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure
Tenancy issues Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes Tenancy issues No Radio button: Checked No Tenancy issues Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure
Minerals rights Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes Minerals rights No Radio button: Checked No Minerals rights Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure
Other Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes Other No Radio button: Checked No Other Unsure Radio button: Not checked Unsure

Please indicate the approximate timescale for availability

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Immediately
Radio button: Unticked Up to 5 years
Radio button: Unticked 5 - 10 years
Radio button: Unticked 10 - 15 years
Radio button: Unticked Beyond 15 years

Section 7: Achievability

Has the site been marketed to potential developers?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Site is owned by a developer
Radio button: Unticked Site is under option to a developer
Radio button: Unticked Enquiries received
Radio button: Unticked Site is being marketed
Radio button: Ticked No activity
Radio button: Unticked Not Known

What is the likely timescale for the development of the site?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Within 5 years
Radio button: Unticked 6 - 10 years
Radio button: Unticked 11 - 15 years
Radio button: Unticked Beyond 15 years

If any constraints have been identified, are they likely to affect the achievability/timing of the development?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Obtaining the easement from United Utilities for the building within a trunk main

Are there any viability issues or abnormal costs that could affect the development?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
The easement strip for the water supply pipe and the moving of the BT and electrical overhead cables.

For residential proposals, is the site capable of meeting the Council’s existing Local Plan policy requirements, for example affordable housing requirements?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Section 8: Other Relevant Information and Documents

Additional information

Any additional information
SLDC Housing Land Annual Position Statement –March 2019 identifies the need for housing in this area to be annually 310 houses with approximately 11 % being from villages and hamlets
SLDC Core Strategy 1.2 States that new small-scale infilling and rounding off development will be permitted outside the service centres, in order to satisfy local need across the numerous smaller villages and hamlets scattered across the District. Exceptionally, new development will be permitted in. Our site matches the criteria for this as it is within the hamlet and not on the boundaries.
CS63- Provision for Affordable housing requires that a site of more than three dwellings needs to have no less than 35% of the total number of dwellings proposed are affordable. We are looking at 10 houses and therefore 3 would need to be affordable. This will have local occupancy restrictions which will help the community
It is important the green infrastructure is incorporated into the development, particularly where it can be used to mitigate the negative impacts of the development The site will need to have a high standards of environmental design that fit with the surrounding countryside and landscape setting. It will be important to conserve and enhance existing trees including the planting of new trees
As previously stated the access to the site is good, with great transport links via the main line train network and the M6 motorway.
The access to key services is good with local towns, being within 7 miles of the site.
The site can deliver a range of housing size and type to meet the needs of all sectors of the community.